I bet you found your way round
my HP as you are reading my one and only English message here! How do you
find it? Doesn't matter that you can't actually any of my Chinese ...
but.. do you like all my dancing pigs? How about my animated gif? (moving
pictures!) just remember my homepage's URL (address) as: http://fly.to/darlainli
(as I am always a Darling... merge this word with my name 'lain' to Darlain
together with my surname of course... to DARLAINLI yeah!!!!!!!)
Remember this always. If you can't remember my email address.. (this is
impossible! it's only lainlain@geocities.com
!!) then, vist my HP (Homepage) and click on absolutely any
that will automatically bring you to your Email Express .. a new mail will
appear... with address already pasted! All you need to do then... is to
type in your message to me! The body of the mail!) OK? No more
Lost Contact from now on!)
Work Hard ... surf more on the internet! A brand new English page will soon be done! It's well differnt to make a page in English than to Chinese!